Founder and Instructor (Adults Class)

John Windsor

Having over forty years experience in Martial Arts and security, I have been fortunate enough to meet, and train with many skilled and knowledgeable people. Each of them has taught me valuable lessons including discipline, respect and determination.

I currently hold the rank of 4th Dan (Japan accredited) and I have also trained in Karate, Judo, Kung Fu and Aikido.

My ethos is very simple – I respect everyone, and I try and treat others as I would like to be treated. My role is not to judge, but rather to encourage and inspire. Although some may have a natural talent for Ninjutsu, it is those that work hard and show determination who are more likely to progress and gain greater personal satisfaction from their art.

Many skills developed throughout the study of Ninjutsu can be transferred into daily life – amongst them focus, discipline and self-confidence. Training in Ninjutsu should not be a chore – it is there to be enjoyed and this could be the start of a lifetime passion. And who knows, you could meet some good friends along the way.

We look forward to meeting you for the first steps of your journey, however long it may be.

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From self-defense to confidence building, our expert instructors are here to guide you every step of the way. Fill out the form below to book your first class and begin your journey towards empowerment and mastery.